Joan Fontcuberta and Axel Honneth, next guests of the Chair

Joan Fontcuberta, photographer, conceptual artist, teacher, essayist, critic and art promoter specialized in photography, and Axel Honneth, German philosopher and sociologist and one of the most prominent figures of the so-called third generation of the Frankfurt School, will be the next guests to give Ferrater Mora Lectures at our University. Joan Fontcuberta will do so from October 7 to 11, 2024 and Axel Honneth will do so in April 2025. Soon we will be able to give you details of the program of the lessons.

Josep-Maria Terricabras has passed away

On 16 April, Dr. Josep-Maria Terricabras, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, founder and honorary director of the Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought, left us.
The sadness for the loss is only compensated by the great recognition we owe him as a teacher and by the joie de vivre he transmitted to us at all times.
Prof. Joan Vergés Gifra, current director of the Chair, has published this tribute article in the newspaper ARA: “Terricabras por ejemplo”.

Available the videos of Gilles Lipovetsky

The videos of the Ferrater Mora Lectures given by Gilles Lipovetsky at the Ferrater Mora Chair of the Universitat de Girona from 6 to 8 April 2022 are now available. You will find them by clicking here.

Videos of FM Lessons by Judith Butler, now available on-line

Already available the videos corresponding to Judith Butler’s Ferrater Mora Lectures, October 2020 entitled “LIVABLE LIFE, INHABITABLE WORLD?”

Guest Professors

  • 2024 : Bonnie Honig
  • 2024 : Achille Mbembe
  • 2023 : Hélène Cixous
  • 2022 : Gilles Lipovetsky
  • 2020 : Judith Butler
  • 2018 : Allen Buchanan
  • 2018 : Boaventura de Sousa Santos
  • 2017 : Lluís Duch
  • 2016 : Jane Goodall
  • 2015 : John Searle
  • 2015 : Daniel C. Dennett
  • 2014 : Giorgio Agamben
  • 2013 : Jordi Savall
  • 2013 : Zygmunt Bauman
  • 2012 : John Urry
  • 2011 : Agnès Varda
  • 2011 : Peter Sloterdijk
  • 2011 : Rafael Moneo
  • 2009 : Josep Fontana
  • 2008 : Gianni Vattimo
  • 2008 : Joseph Stiglitz
  • 2007 : Ernst Tugendhat
  • 2006 : Michael Nyman
  • 2005 : Agnes Heller
  • 2005 : Seyla Benhabib
  • 2003 : Peter Singer
  • 2002 : Edgar Morin
  • 2001 : Hans Heinz Holz
  • 2001 : Luigi Luca Cavalli-Sforza
  • 2000 : Theo Angelopoulos
  • 1999 : Leszek Kolakowski
  • 1998 : Alain Touraine
  • 1997 : Leonardo Boff
  • 1996 : Richard Rorty
  • 1996 : David Harvey
  • 1995 : Mario Bunge
  • 1995 : Karl-Otto Apel
  • 1994 : Donald Davidson
  • 1993 : Ilya Prigogine
  • 1993 : Eric Hobsbawm
  • 1992 : Noam Chomsky
  • 1992 : Miquel Batllori
  • 1991 : Adam Schaff
  • 1991 : L. A. Santaló
  • 1990 : Paul Ricoeur
  • 1990 : Willard V. Quine
  • 1989 : Josep Ferrater Mora