Trias Reading Group

On October 4, 2017, in collaboration with La Mercè School of Humanities of Girona, the Chair inaugurated the Trias Essay Reading Club with the book Progresismo, una inmersión crítica by Ferran Sáez Mateu (philosopher and professor at Ramon Llull University). The Club is coordinated by the mathematician and profesor in Philosophy Jaume Romero, a regular collaborator of the Ferrater Mora Chair

The idea of ​​the Club is to encourage essay reading. Each term (three months) there is a debate on the subject of a different book and in the last session (third session) the author of the work takes part in the debate.

This reading club is called “Club Trias” in recognition of the patronage that Galetes Trias makes of the Ferrater Mora Chair.

The books discussed in the Club Trias:

  • 2018 Apories de la vida quotidiana, by Nemrod Carrasco; Què ens està passant?, by Gemma Calvet and Allò que som, by Josep-Maria Terricabras
  • 2019 L’ull i la navalla, by Íngrid Guardiola; Jo acuso. La defensa en judicis polítics, by Benet Salellas and Las mejores palabras, by Daniel Gamper
  • 2020 Com una mica d’aigua al palmell de la mà, by Mireia Sallarès; #Fake you, by Simona Levi and L’infiltrat, by Lluís Calvo. Some of the sessions this 2020 were held in virtual format due to the covid-19 pandemic
  • 2021 Vivències i creences, by Ramón Cotarelo; Radical(s), by Saïd El Kadaoui and ​Generació Tap: L’herència enverinada dels fills de la transició, by Josep Sala i Cullell
  • 2022 Nivell Ç, by Pau Vidal Gavilan; Feixisme persistent. Radiografia de la Itàlia de Matteo Salvini, by   Alba Sidera and Joan Fuster. Figura d’assaig, by Antoni Martí Monterde
  • 2023 Fronteres by Vicent Partal; Queda una voz: del silencio a la palabra, by Anna Pagès ** ** and De la pròpia veu a la veu pròpia, by Antoni Defez
  • 2024 Hannah Arendt: el món en joc, by Fina Birulés; Camus vs Sartre: entre la llibertat i la justícia, by Antoni Gelonch