The name Gianni Vattimo has been an international reference in contemporary thought for many years. His early studies on Schleiermacher, Nietzsche and Heidegger were good preparation for his more personal reflections on interpretation and hermeneutics and on the dissolution of art and nihilism to announce the end of modernity. He is one of the leading theorists on ‘weak thought’ (Il pensiero debole 1983), which has become a characteristic feature of postmodernism.
Click here to download the programme in pdf.
By indication of Prof. Vattimo, the below mentioned were also invited to participate: Franca d’Agostini and Alberto Martinengo (Università di Torino), Santiago Zabala (Potsdam University Institute of Philosophy, Alemanya) and Miguel Ángel Quintana (Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes).
Monday, 6th October 2008
La ontología de la actualidad de Vattimo
Prof. Santiago Zabala (Potsdam University Institute of Philosophy, Germany)
Tuesday, 7th October 2008
Friendship will make you true
Prof. Franca d’Agostini (Università di Torino)
Wednesday, 8th October 2008
L’ermeneutica come ricostruzione della razionalità. Pensiero debole o “pensiero dei deboli”?
Prof. Alberto Martinengo (Università di Torino)
Thursday, 9th October 2008
Vattimo: instrucciones para remediar el olvido del ser
Prof. Miguel Ángel Quintana (Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes)
On Tuesday, October 7, at 7.30 p.m., the presentation of the Catalan translation of Vattimo’s latest work, Ecce comu, took place at the Centre Cultural La Mercè.
“Real communism is dead, long live ideal communism” (Gianni Vattimo).
At a time when left-wing ideologies seem to be experiencing (in Italy clearly, but also in the rest of Europe) one of their lowest moments. When the Berlin Wall is already two decades away. When Christianity is losing presence, followers and credibility with each passing day. When even Cuba seems to be showing signs of softening the rigidity of its regime. At this moment, the Turin philosopher Gianni Vattimo surprises us by exhorting them to return to communism. To a communism, but, inspired by weak thought, nihilism, anarchism and evangelical Christianity. A communism that should lead us, through democratic subversion, to a real change that will finally stop the drift of the eternal inequalities caused by capitalism.
A disconcerting and stimulating proposal, with the very personal stamp of Gianni Vattimo.
Click here to read the press dossier of the lectures given by Gianni Vattimo at the Ferrater Mora Chair.