Paul Ricoeur

Paul Ricoeur (Valença, 1913-Châtenay-Malabry, 2005), professor in Strasbourg, the Sorbonne and Nanterre, joined the phenomenological description with reflective analysis. His thoughts focused primarily on the question of the will and the problem of evil, while maintaining an essentially affirmative attitude towards the negativism of other existentialist thinkers. He was a regular contributor to the magazine Esprit, is the author of Karl Jaspers’ Philosophy of Existence in collaboration with M. Dufrenne (1947), Le volontaire et l’involontaire (1950), Finitude et culpabilité (1960), De l’interprétation. Essai sur Freud(1965), La métaphore vive (1975) and Temps et récit(1983-87), in three volumes.



From June 25th to 6th, 1990


  1. La fragilité humaine: voloir/subir.
  2. L’imagination dans tous ses états.
  3. L’héritage du structuralisme.
  4. L’expérience psychanalytique: son sens pour la philosophie
  5. Parole, écriture, lecture.
  6. L’agir humain: décrire, raconter, prescrire.
  7. L’homme agissant et l’homme souffrant.
  8. La conviction (Gewissen).
  9. Morale et politique.
  10. L’utopie (rèflexion à partir de Hans Jonas, Le principe responsabilité).


Click here to download the programme in pdf.

Invited specialists

By indication of Prof. Ricoeur, the below mentioned were also invited to participate: Franco Bianco (La Sapienza, Roma), Rüdiger Bubner (Tübingen) and Manuel Maceiras Fabián (Universidad Complutense de Madrid).


Click here to watch a brief audiovisual of Paul Ricoeur’s lessons.