John Richard Urry (1946-2016) was one of the most important sociologists in the world and he was Professor of Sociology at the University of Lancaster (UK).
He has been Head of the Department of Sociology, Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences (1989-1994) and Associate Dean for Research (1994-1998) of the University of Lancaster, Director of Mobility Research Center (since 2003), the director’s HEFCE Research Assessment Exercise Panel Sociology (1996, 2001), Member of the Executive Committee and the Academic Council of Social Sciences (since 2006); Lancaster Distinguished Professor and Doctor Honoris Causa by the University of Denmark, among many other distinctions.
Urry was the author of over 40 books, 70 indexed articles and 110 book chapters and his work has been translated into 18 languages.
His main research in recent years focused on the study of new mobility, which has led to theoretical and empirical publications of great importance, such as Mobilities (2007), After the Car (2009, together with Kingsley Dennis) and Mobile Lives (2010, with Anthony Elliott).
Clich here to download the programme (pdf).
Click here to read the press dossier on the occasion of the lectures given by John Urry at the Ferrater Mora Chair.