Francesc Pujols (Barcelona 1882 - Martorell 1962), was a multifaceted and self-taught thinker and writer. He made Catalonia and the Catalans his subject and his life. He was a poet, art critic, prose writer, lecturer, lyricist and above all a thinker. This Symposium has sought to deepen the study of the thought of Francesc Pujols, as expressed in his texts.
In 1918, Francesc Pujols published the Concepte General de la Ciència Catalana, in which he established the existence of an autochthonous philosophical current, initiated by Ramon Llull and continued by Ramon Sibiuda; this work includes his famous sentence according to which the Catalans are exceptional beings because they are sons of the land of truth.
To find out more about Francesc Pujols, visit the website of the Francesc Pujols Foundation, which collaborated in the organisation of this Symposium.
Bibliography of Francesc Pujols.
Martorell, December 13th and 14th, 2012
(Click here to download the programme in pdf)
Thursday, December 13th
Friday, December 14th
Here you can seethe videos of all the papers and communications of the Symposium on Francesc Pujols.
Thursday, December 13th
Un deute amb Francesc Pujols, by Enric Trillas (Retired Professor of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, and Emeritus Researcher at the European Centre for Soft Computing, Mieres, Asturias)
Pujols, publicista, by Joaquim Auladell (Retired Professor of the Universitat de Barcelona)
Els deixebles a Emmaús: Pujols, Ors, Pijoan, by Jaume Trabal (Philosopher)
Dalí-Pujols: crònica d’una pel·lícula, by Josep Playà Maset (Journalist)
Pujols esperonador de la Doctrina de la intel·ligència d’Ors, by Francesc Blanc (Institut Eugeni d’Ors - Vilafranca del Penedès)
La significació diabòlica d’Ors al Concepte general de la ciència catalana de Francesc Pujols, by Víctor Pérez (Degree in philosophy and literature scholar)
In 2015, as a result of the symposium organized, the book Realitat i veritat en Francesc Pujols was published in Documenta Universitària, Girona, 2015.
Click here to read the press dossier of the Symposium dedicated to Francesc Pujols.