Eusebi Colomer i Pous (Girona 1923 - Sant Cugat del Vallès 1997) was a philosopher and theologian, a member of the Society of Jesus since 1941. A thinker with wide-ranging interests, he took part, from a philosophical perspective, in some of the great theological debates of his time: he was, for example, the great disseminator of the work of Teilhard de Chardin in Catalonia and played an incisive role in the reflection on contemporary atheism and on the so-called “radical theology”. However, his deep and sustained passion was the history of philosophy, because he thought that one cannot make philosophy without making history: philosophy for him was nothing but the updating of the dialogue with the great thinkers that has become possible since the history of philosophy.
Click here to see more information about Eusebi Colomer.
Girona, 27th and 28th of November 2003
(Click here to download the program in pdf)
Thursday, November 27th
Friday, November 28th
Thursday, November 27th, 2003
In 2008 the book L’obra d’Eusebi Colomer, was published by Documenta Universitaria.
In the great philosophical production of Eusebi Colomer, three great centers of interest can be distinguished that are particularly outstanding. Firstly, his dedication to the study of the thought of Ramon Llull and Nicolás de Cusa. The second great center of interest was, naturally, the great currents of modern and contemporary German philosophy. Finally, his third center of interest was the philosophical-theological dialogue.
See the review published in Enrahonar magazine, n. 44, 2010.
On Wednesday, October 27th, 2003, at 8 pm, at the Mercè Cultural Center, Josep-Maria Terricabras gave a conference open to the general public with the title Eusebi Colomer i la seva obra, where he analyzed all the repercussions of the thought and work of this great philosopher from Girona.
Click here to read the press summary on the occasion of the Symposium dedicated to Eusebi Colomer.