Jaume Balmes

Jaime Balmes (1810-1848) was one of the most influential Catalan thinkers of the 19th century. The Symposium made a critical, serious, updated and non-partisan examination of the importance of the character and the relevance of the work that this Catalan philosopher, theologian and clergyman left us.

Clicking hereyou can read the entry in the Dictionary of Philosophy by J. Ferrater Mora dedicated to Jaume Balmes.




Vic, 23 and 24 November 2016
(Click here to download the programme in pdf)

Wednesday, November 23rd

  • Opening of the Symposium, by Susagna Roura (Councillor for Culture of Vic City Council), David Compte (Vicar General of the Diocese of Vic), Àlex Susanna (Director of the Agència Catalana de Patrimoni Cultural),  Joaquim Trias (Ferrater Mora Chair Sponsor), Marc Sureda (Director of the Institut de Ciències Religioses de Vic) and Joan Vergés Gifra (Director of the Ferrater Mora Chair)
  • Glòria i dissort de Balmes en el segle XX, by Conrad Vilanou  (Universitat de Barcelona)
  • First table of papers, with Lluís Quintana Trias (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona), Misericòrdia Anglès (Universitat de Barcelona) and Abel Miró i Comas (Institut Superior de Ciències Religioses - Vic)
  • Preservar un ordre en crisi: Balmes i el catolicisme a l’Europa de 1840-1848, per Josep Fradera (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
  • Second table of papers, with Nazzareno Fioraso (Università di Verona), Iván Sánchez-Moreno (Universidad Internacional de La Rioja) and Joan Cuscó (Universitat de Barcelona)

Thursday, November 24th

Press Releasses


In 2018 the proceedings of the Symposium were published in Documenta Universitaria. Here you can find more information. The publication was made possible thanks to the collaboration of the Vic City Council. The volume is part of the collection “Noms de la Filosofia Catalana”, specifically number 14.

Here you can read the reviews of Maria Cabré Duran published in Enrahonar. An International Journal of Theoretical and Practical Reason, 63, 2019, pages 145-150 and that of Ramon Rosales Sebastià (URL), published in Comprendre. Revista Catalana de filosofia, n. 23/1, 2021, pp.131-134, and the announcement of publication in the magazine Diálogo Filosófico, nº  111, sSeptember/December 2021.