Reliving the time lived: memory and history in Judaism
The cycle will offer different approaches to the fact of “reliving the time lived”, to the need to do so and to the testimony that future generations receive - from the fields in which the lecturers are specialists: philosophy, sociology, literature or cinema. Click here to see the programme.
- 30 September: «Babi Iar, per exemple: els memorials, la història, la memòria», by Marta Simó (see video)
- 7 October: «Memoria e historia en el pensamiento judío europeo», by Reyes Mate (see video)
- 14 October: «Orfisme i judaisme. Un combat per la memòria en Paul Celan», by Arnau Pons (see video)
- CONFERENCE SUSPENDED: «Literatura, testimoni, memòria», by Marta Marín-Dòmine
- 11 November: «El cinema, eina de memòria jueva», by Daniela Rosenfeld (see video)