Mia Prat Vilà is a member since the beginning of the Panikkar Seminar of the UdG, and a practitioner of vipassana meditation, a meditative technique of early Buddhism -of ancient (Theravada) - often called hīnayāna, the small vehicle. He has participated in intensive meditation retreats, and recently in Lumbini - the place where according to tradition Siddhartha, the Buddha, was born - in the Panditarama school of the Burmese Mahasi tradition, and under the mastery of Sayadaw U. Vivekanandaamb.
From the earliest sages until today many have spoken and practiced the path to enlightenment. It was Gautama Buddha who, a little more than twenty-five centuries ago, spoke of it extensively, showing concrete techniques that would facilitate the people of the coming millennia to reach the extinction of suffering. Thanks to these practices generations of yogis have practiced and had the experience.
It was in the V century AD when Buddhaghosa put together the knowledge obtained so far and with the texts of the Pali Canon, in the compendium known as Visuddhimagga, whose Mia Prat makes us a small presentation.
Visuddhimagga means path of purification and here we can see in detail the different steps and states through which the human mind passes until it is completely purified from the illusion to which, according to Buddha, it is subjected.
This research generated a document that served as a script for the session, with a first exposition and subsequent lively discussion. See here the video recording.