The Revista de Catalunya is a monthly publication, edited and founded in Barcelona (1924) in the midst of Primo de Rivera’s dictatorship. The historian and politician Antoni Rovira i Virgili promoted a magazine of essays (history, literature, thought, linguistics, international world) in which he brought together the best intellectuals of the time, from Riba and Pla to Ferràn Soldevila, as well as some young talents. It had a great impact and a large number of subscribers.
The Ferrater Mora Chair, in collaboration with the Revista de Catalunya and the Memorial Democràtic, and with the collaboration of the Institut d’Estudis Catalans, is organized a Trias Symposium on the centenary of the Revista de Catalunya, specifically on aspects related to the thought - understood in a broad sense - has expressed or oozed in the pages of the journal throughout its 100-year history. We were interested in discussing about the articles that have been published and the authors who have written, both in the early stages of the journal after its foundation in 1924, and in the more recent stage of the “resumption” from the 1980s onwards. In a way, the eventful vicissitudes and vicissitudes of the Revista de Catalunya are also the eventful vicissitudes and vicissitudes of Catalan “high culture”.
The Ferrater Mora Chair, in collaboration with the Revista de Catalunya and the Memorial Democràtic, is organising a Trias Symposium on the centenary of the Revista de Catalunya, specifically on aspects related to the thought - understood in a broad sense - has expressed or oozed in the pages of the journal throughout its 100-year history. We are interested in talking about the articles that have been published and the authors who have written, both in the early stages of the journal after its foundation in 1924, and in the more recent stage of the “resumption” from the 1980s onwards. In a way, the eventful vicissitudes and vicissitudes of the Revista de Catalunya are also the eventful vicissitudes and vicissitudes of Catalan “high culture”.
The call for abstracts for the Symposium is now open. The deadline for submission is 18 February 2024.
In mid-March, the scientific committee of the symposium will inform those interested of the acceptance or rejection of the proposal. Length: 2 pages maximum. It must be sent to
Papers must fall within one of these thematic areas:
The Symposium will be held at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans (C/ Carme, 47, Barcelona) on 19 and 20 June 2024.
Sala Nicolau d’Olwer - IEC, Barcelona 19 and 20 June 2024
(Click here to download the programme in pdf)
10:00h: Opening of the Symposium
Ramon Pinyol, Institut d’Estudis Catalans
Josep M. Roig Rosich, President of the Fundació Revista de Catalunya
Jordi Font Agulló, Director of the Democratic Memorial
Joan Vergés Gifra, Director of the Ferrater Mora Chair
Joaquim Trias, Sponsor of the Ferrater Mora Chair
10.30h: Història de la Revista de Catalunya per a neòfits
Enric Pujol (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona / Institut d’Estudis Catalans)
11:15h: Debate
11:45h: Coffee break
12:15h: Contribució de Revista de Catalunya a la moral de resistència en temps de guerra
Josep Maria Casasús (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
13:00h: Debate
13.30h: Break
16:00h: Papers
“Indiferència o tragèdia”: Apunt sobre Joan Maragall Gorina i Jaume Serra Hunter
Albert Llorca Arimany (Societat Catalana de Filosofia)
Contribucions filosòfiques d’Eduard Nicol a la Revista de Catalunya (1930-1931)
Oriol Ponsatí-Murlà (Universitat de Girona)
El deixant de la Societat Catalana de Filosofia (1923) a la Revista de Catalunya: una voluntat de continuïtat i persistència
Josep Monserrat (UB), Ignasi Roviró (URL) and Conrad Vilanou (UB)
17:00h: Debate
17:30h: Coffee break
18:00h: Papers
Jaume Serra Húnter, filòsof i president de la Revista de Catalunya a l’exili
Jordi Jiménez, Instituto de Filosofía (CSIC) / UNED
Joan Crexells a la Revista de Catalunya
Norbert Bilbeny (Universitat de Barcelona)
Armand Obiols i la Revista de Catalunya
Joaquim Torra i Pla (131 president of the Generalitat de Catalunya)
19:00h: Debate
19:30h: Papers
Mercè Rodoreda a la Revista de Catalunya: relats i poemes
Lluïsa Julià (Director of the RdC/ UOC)
El tractament del literatura catalana vuitcentista en la primera etapa de la Revista de Catalunya (1924-1956)
Ramon Pinyol (IEC/UVIC-UCC)
20:10h: Debate
09:30h: Papers
La modernitat literària francesa a la Revista de Catalunya (1924-1934)
Andrea Pereira (UAB and secretary of the editorial board of the Revista de Catalunya)
Ruralisme “egregi” versus Ruralisme “indigne”: una polèmica a l’entorn de la “Catalunya Ciutat”
Margarida Casacuberta (Universitat de Girona)
10:10h: Debate
10:40h: Coffee break
11:10h: Papers
Quina ciència ha reflectit la Revista de Catalunya?
Ferran Sabaté (Medico-Pharmaceutical Institute of Catalonia Museum of the History of Medicine of Catalonia)
Figures angleses a la Revista de Catalunya (1925-1938)
Sílvia Coll-Vinent (Facultat de Filosofia URL - La Salle)
El pensament medieval a la Revista de Catalunya: un status quaestionis
Maria Cabré Duran (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
12.10h: Debate
12:40h: Papers
La Revista de Catalunya i el teatre: tradició, crítica i modernitat (1924-1938)
Francesc Foguet (Performing Arts Research Centre, UAB)
Les Arts Plàstiques a la Revista de Catalunya de l’època Cahner
Francesc Fontbona (Institut d’Estudis Catalans)
La col·laboració de Baltasar Samper a la Revista de Catalunya: modernitat i exili del noucentisme musical
Amadeu Corbera Jaume (Conservatory of Music, Balearic Islands)
13:40h: Debate
14:10h: Break
16:30h: Papers
Ferrater Mora i el sentit de la mort
Miquel Osset Hernández (PhD in Hispanic Philology)
Joan Sacs (Feliu Elias) col·laborador a la Revista de Catalunya
Mariona Seguranyes (Art Historian and Doctor in Humanities)
Melcior Font en la seva etapa com a redactor de la Revista de Catalunya
Pau Vinyes i Roig (Ignasi Iglésias Study Centre, Sant Andreu de Palomar, and the UB’s Study Group on the History of Culture and Intellectuals.)
17:30h: Debate
18:00h: Coffee break
18:30h: Papers
Pensament cultural i ideari estètic a la Revista de Catalunya en el període d’entreguerres: aportacions i transmissions (1924-1934)
Vinyet Panyella (Writer and cultural researcher)
Allò que ha dit i no ha dit la Revista de Catalunya sobre el procés català (2010-2020)
Júlia Ojeda (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
A voltes amb l’emergència climàtica
Joandomènec Ros (Professor emeritus of Ecology at the UB and former president of the IEC)
19:30h: Debate
20:00h: Closure of the Symposium
FREE ADMISSION (Limited seating)
The sessions will be held in the Sala Nicolau d’Olwer at the Institut d’Estudis Catalans. (C/ Carme, 47 – Barcelona).
Please confirm your attendance to the secretary of the Ferrater Mora Chair: