I Conference "Great questions of current philosophy"

The Ferrater Mora Chair initiated a laborious process to strengthen relations between philosophy teachers of all educational levels and to discuss the future of philosophy in our educational system.

Thus, on January 22, a letter was sent to all the philosophy teachers of the secondary schools of the Girona region, proposing initiatives of collaboration between these teachers and those of the University of Girona. The Chair analyzed the answers to the questions raised and, as a result, organized the first days, entitled “Great questions of current philosophy”, to discuss the problems that affect the professionals of philosophy and also to reflect on interesting topics for the personal training of teachers.

First of all, introductory materials for each session were sent to the participating teachers. The sessions took place at the Faculty of Letters of the UdG with the following program:

  • April 24, 2009: Grans qüestions de la filosofia actual: la filosofia política. The reflection was introduced by Prof. Oriol Farrés (UdG).
  • May 8, 2009: Grans qüestions de la filosofia actual: l’ètica. Introducing the reflection Prof. Ramon Alcoberro (UdG)

Prior to the sessions, introductory materials for each session were sent to the participating professors.