Understanding the risk society

The course took place at the Faculty of Arts from 13 to 15 April 2004, Download the programme here.

The information society is also the risk society. Through this course, the concept of “risk” was analysed and the extent to which a new political and social agenda, typical of post-industrial societies, is being shaped from it was grasped. The course analysed some of the main social dimensions in which the problem of risk is present, as well as the basic strategies for evaluating and preventing it.

The course was divided into four parts: 1) a first approach to the risk society: society, economy, culture; 2) public insecurity and organised crime; 3) insecurity and terrorism; 4) social perception of risk. To conclude, a section was opened to recapitulate.

The course featured the participation of leading specialists in research into the risk society: Narcís Mir (director of the Risk Observatory of Catalonia), Jaume Curbet (editor of the International Institute of Governance of Catalonia’s “Sustainable Security” magazine) and Josep Espluga (PhD in Sociology from the UAB and Master’s in occupational risk prevention from the UPC).

The course was attended by lecturers and students from a wide range of disciplines, as well as a number of professionals interested in the social changes produced by new technologies in general.