The Symposium, organised by the Christian Fraternity of People with Disabilities of Girona and the Ferrater Mora Chair of Contemporary Thought (UdG) took place on 21, 22 and 23 June 2023, in the Sala de Graus of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Girona. The Symposium had the collaboration of the Social Commitment Unit of the UdG. You can download the full programme here.
The aim of the symposium was to reflect on the need to improve the accessibility of spaces, on how to design welcoming, friendly and healthy spaces and also to publicise FraterIn, a project that will become one of the best examples of space, place and home that takes everyone into account and, above all, people with disabilities, who we too often leave on the sidelines of our moral concerns.
Do we live in a city that is fair and equal, and do we enjoy a space that is open to everyone, without distinction? Under the slogan “We want fair and accessible spaces for all”, this 2nd symposium on ethics and disability was held. The first one began with a close look at words and people, with an analysis of the power of words and a reflection on how we - as individuals - can hurt and discriminate or, on the contrary, encourage or include with just words or names. This time we widen our gaze to spaces and people. We moved from considering only our moral responsibility when addressing any person, with or without disability, to considering - as a society - cultivating an inclusive space, a city, a home, and ultimately an inclusive house that safeguards the wellbeing of all.
Here you can see all the conferences of the Symposium and also a video-summary of the event.