Symposium "The idea of civil society in Hegel"

The Chair co-organised this symposium with the Internationale Gesellschaft Hegel-Marx für dialektisches Denken (International Hegel-Marx Association), with the collaboration of the prestigious Istituto Italiano per gli Studi filosofici (Naples) and the Department of Philology and Philosophy of the UdG. The Symposium took place on 5, 6 and 7 September 2002 at the Faculty of Letters of the UdG.

The Symposium was attended by Domenico Losurdo (University of Urbino), Félix Duque (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid), Bernard Bourgeois (Sorbonne University, Paris), André Tosel (University of Nice), Gabriel Amengual (University of the Balearic Islands), José Barata-Moura (Lisbon), András Gedo (Budapest), Jörg Zimmer (University of Girona), Roberto Finelli (University of Bari), Stefano Azzaro (Urbino) and Mario Cingoli (University of Milano-Bicocca), as you can see in the attached programme.

The proceedings of the Symposium were published with the title Die Idee der bürgerlichen Gesellschaft: Hegel und die Folgen, in Documenta Universitaria, Girona, 2006.