Francesc Mirabent

Francesc Mirabent i Vilaplana (Barcelona, 1888-1952). From a working class family, he worked as a bank clerk until he set up his own business. Self-taught, he began to cultivate the novel and journalism. He studied with Serra i Húnter and received his doctorate in 1927. He contributed to the Revista de Catalunya, Revue de Esthétique de Paris, Review of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Revista de ideas estéticas, etc. Professor (1943) and Full Professor (1950) of Aesthetics at the University of Barcelona, he conceived of aesthetics as an independent science, contrary to irrationalism and physiology. Through Serra i Húnter he based himself on a spiritualist realism inherited from the tradition of the Catalan School of Philosophy. His most important works include L’Escola escocesa i la seva influència en els filòsofs catalans del segle XIX (1922), Els estudis filosòfics a Catalunya (1927), De la bellesa (1936), Dos poetas: Valéry y Claudel y la estética (1946) and Estudios estéticos y otros ensayos filosóficos (1958). 



Barcelona, December 11th and 12th, 2004
(Click here to download the programme in pdf)

Thursday, December 11th

Friday, December 12th


Click here  to see the videos of the conferences and debates of the symposium.


Thursday, December 11th


In 2017, the proceedings of the Symposium will be published in the volume number 11 of the collection “Noms de la filosofia catalana”. Here you can find more information.

See Eva Vàzquez’s article “Continuïtat del pensar”, published in El Punt Avui on April 17, 2018.