The conference Challenges of a digital world was held in the Sala de Graus of the Faculty of Letters of the UdG on Thursday, October 19 (see the program). The title was generic, but quite explicit: we wanted to provoke a reflection on the challenges of the digital era, which are huge. The irruption of information technologies, social networks and the Internet system have changed the world so quickly! The impression that technology is one of the main factors of social disruption is so pronounced! Reflecting on all the challenging aspects of the digital era is more pressing than ever.
To this end, we have organized a day consisting of four conferences, with their respective discussions. Taking part will be: Ulises Cortés (Professor of Artificial Intelligence at the UPC / Barcelona Supercomputing Center), Gerald Bronner (Professor of Sociology at the University of Paris and member of the National Academy of Medicine, the Academy of Technologies and the Institut Universitaire de France), Simona Levi (Founder of Xnet and Director of Technopolitics and Law in the Digital Age at the University of Barcelona) and Jordi Vallverdú (ICREA Academia Researcher in the Department of Philosophy at the UAB).
The conference had the collaboration of the Faculty of Philosophy and the Social Council of the UdG.