As part of the temporary exhibition Dreams of Walter Benjamin. Watercolours by Gemma Romero Goday a series of lectures on the figure, life and thought of this German philosopher.
Venue: Museum of Jewish History, 6 p.m.
Monday, 23 October 2023
Postwar Laments of Job: On the Twilight Zone between Language and Music (in English), by Ruth HaCohen (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) SUSPENDED FOR WAR
Thursday, 23 November 2023
Europe a Hundred Years Ago: The Historical and Intellectual Context of Walter Benjamin, by Maxi Fuentes Codera (W. Benjamin Chair, University of Girona) (see the video of the conference here)
Wednesday, 13 December 2023
Walter Benjamin: Philosophy and Aesthetics, by Jörg Zimmer (W. Benjamin Chair, University of Girona) (see the vídeo of the conference here)
Thursday, 18 January 2024
Walter Benjamin: History, Experience and Remembrance, by Arnau Pons (writer and translator, Barcelona) (see the video of the conference here)