In the divine image and likeness. Feminism and gender in the Jewish tradition.
What is the concept of gender in the Hebrew Bible? What is the gender of divinity, according to the Kabbalah? How does the Jewish tradition perceive feminine action in history? What is the power and purpose of “growing and multiplying” in the Jewish tradition?
The series “In the divine image and likeness. Feminism and Gender in Jewish Tradition” will discuss gender, Jewish tradition and history and offer current and diverse versions of these themes.
- Thursday, February 2nd - 18.30 h El Llibre de la claredat i la concepció andrògina de la divinitat en la càbala, by Manuel Forcano Aparicio (see the video)
- Thursday, March 9 - 18.30 h Mujeres y Talmud: ausencia y presencia femenina en la escuela rabínica, by Olga Ruiz Morell (see the video)
- Thursday, March 30 - 18.30 h La vindicació de Vashti: la construcció de Vashti a la literatura rabínica i al pensament feminista jueu, by Irene Muzás Calpe (see the video)
- Thursday, May 4 - 18.30 h Prohibicions i transgressions: el gènere, el sexe i les dones en les comunitats jueves medievals de Catalunya, by Irene Llop Jordana
- Thursday, June 1st - 18.30 h Pureza, impureza, purificación: las prescripciones de mikvot y la vida de cada día, by Daniel Esparza Olivero
Place: Classroom of the Institute of Nahmanid Studies.
Free attendance with previous registration by clicking on each lecture.