The arts in Judaism
This cycle proposed the theme of artistic expression in Judaism, and how the plastic and visual arts translate aspects of Jewish memory, tradition and culture due to the fact that the authors are Jewish or have some connection with Judaism.
The lectures in the series were as follows:
- Museos y Judaismo. Arte, historia y memoria, by Santiago Palomero
- El còmic i la memòria jueva, by Didier Pasamonik
- Gerda Taro: la mujer que creó a Robert Capa, by Fernando Olmeda
- Els manuscrits hebreus il·luminats. Les imatges del judaisme, by Cindy Mack
- Marc Chagall. Memòries de Vitebsk, by Maria Josep Balsach
- Les imatges prohibides i les seves estètiques, by Jörg Zimmer
Read here the press dossier of the cycle.