Joan Vergés Gifra (Banyoles, 1972) is a Professor of Moral Philosophy in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Girona. Since July 2014 he is the Director of the Ferrater Mora Chair. He has been Consultant of Humanities at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Adjunct Professor of Humanities at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Visiting Professor of Political Science at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He has been Visiting Fellow at Harvard University (USA) and Visiting Scholar at Oxford University (UK). His main interests are contemporary political philosophy (particularly John Rawls), the theory of nationalism, pluralism, religious diversity and the Catalan intellectual history. He was the Spanish coordinator of the Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers and currently he directs the digitization and updating process of the Diccionario de Filosofía by José Ferrater Mora.
In addition to numerous academic articles in journals such as Nations and Nationalism, Religion & State and Society, Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory, The European Legacy, International Philosophical Quarterly, Archiv für Sozial und Rechtsphilosophie, Ethnic and Racial Studies* or Journal of Social Philosophy, he has published the books Libertad: una inmersión rápida (2018), John Rawls: la justicia es la virtud más importante de una sociedad democrática (2017), La nació necessària (2014, XVII Ramon Trias Fargas Prize for Political Essays), Les esquerdes del liberalisme polític (2006); and is editor and co-author of Cons i neocons: el rerefons filosòfic (2007) and The Catalan Process* (2017). He is also director of the collection Names of Catalan Philosophy and has translated works by J. Rawls, B. Russell, R. Rorty, K.-O.Apel, R.M. Hare, J. Wolff and A. Heller.