The international symposium Wittgenstein took place on 28 and 29 November 2002, at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Girona.
The purpose of the Ferrater Mora Chair in organising this symposium was to celebrate that in 1927, i.e. 75 years ago, Wittgenstein resumed his interest in philosophy. This symposium dealt precisely with two of the thematic fields that most interested the philosopher at the end of his life: the philosophy of mathematics and the philosophy of psychology. Seven professors were invited, all of whom are unanimously recognised as leading world experts in these two fields of Wittgenstein’s thought: Brian McGuinness (Queen’s College, Oxford), Robert Fogelin (Darmouth College), Pasquale Frascolla (Università degli studi della Basilicata, Potenza), James Conant (University of Chicago), David Pears (Oxford University), Barry Stroud (University of California) and John McDowell (University of Pittsburgh). Click here to see the full programme.
Click here to see the videos of the conferences.