In the Panikkar-UdG Fund there are hundreds of books of poetry and works that revolve around the poetic fact. In this session we made a review of the books of poetry that Panikkar has most underlined and commented, focusing mainly on modern poetry, from William Blake to our times. Panikkar was related in life with many famous poets such as Octavio Paz, Jorge Guillén, or Miquel Martí i Pol. During the session, an attempt was made to answer two questions: what were the poets who approached Panikkar looking for? And what was Panikkar looking for in poetry?
Eduard Muntaner Perich (Girona, 1979) is an engineer, development worker and educator. He works at the University of Girona, between the Faculty of Education and the Polytechnic School, developing projects within the research group UdiGitalEdu and the TEKHNÉ Chair. He is a member of the Raimon Panikkar Seminar of Intercultural Thought of the UdG since 2009.
Click here to see the video of the session and also the document that served as a script.